Struggling with creating a form via api
I am using Zoho Deluge to create a form on goFormz, however i keep getting 415 error. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here? I followed the api documentation:
Go Formz will not let me login
Server Error
Request ID: a7667214-1ffe-422c-b664-15241db9241d
Response limit in the forms created
How do I get a file ID for a PDF that has already been created?
I need to be able to look up existing PDFs, and then download them through the API. But how do I find the file ID of the PDF?
ImageFile['link'] now returns null, even if the image file exists
I noticed that the ImageFile property 'link' is now null, will you be deprecating this property? Do you have a recommended coding pattern for retrieving an image file?
Pulling data down from GoFormz
Is there a way to make calls on Reports designed within GoFormz so that data can be pulled down to alternative systems. Your API is silent on this. Is the only method via calls on Form data?
User Active Status from API
Is there a way to determine the User Active Status via the API? Neither the nor{id} seem to contain this status. Thanks!
Can I bulk create users via the API?
Yes, you can bulk create users via the API using the System for Cross-Identity Management (SCIM) API.
Can I create more than 1 Client ID?
No, each account is only allotted 1 Client ID.
Is there a way I can filter the Forms based upon Template folder?
No, Forms cannot be filtered by their Template folder.