Can I bulk create users via the API?

Yes, you can bulk create users via the API using the [System for Cross-Identity Management (SCIM) API](

Pulling data down from GoFormz

Is there a way to make calls on Reports designed within GoFormz so that data can be pulled down to alternative systems. Your API is silent on this. Is the only method via calls on Form data?

Can OAuth credentials be moved from one account to another?

No, OAuth credentials cannot be moved from one account to another as these credentials are unique to each account.

Is there a way for me to exclude the expiration time on the pdfURL so it doesn’t expire?

No, because the pdfURL expires after one hour it cannot be excluded. If you’d like to reference the PDF after this expiration time, then you’ll need to instead reference the GoFormz URL with the Form ID. You’ll format this as: <`[formId]`> <[formId]>. The person selecting this would need to login to goformz account to view.

User Active Status from API

Is there a way to determine the User Active Status via the API? Neither the <> nor <{id}> seem to contain this status. Thanks!

Can Form tags be modified via the API?

No, Form tags cannot be modified via the API. If you want to automatically modify Form tags, you can first create a call to [update an existing Form]( You’ll then set that call to trigger a [Template Event]( that [updates your Form tag](

Can I create more than 1 Client ID?

No, each account is only allotted 1 Client ID.

Can I create a Template via the API?

No, you cannot create a Template via the API.

Is there a way I can filter the Forms based upon Template folder?

No, Forms cannot be filtered by their Template folder.

ImageFile['link'] now returns null, even if the image file exists

I noticed that the ImageFile property 'link' is now null, will you be deprecating this property? Do you have a recommended coding pattern for retrieving an image file?