The Signature Field is used to capture the lines that represent a signature.

Each line in a signature has a start point and an end point. The start point is represented in the line by x1 and y1. Similarly, the end point is represented in the line by x2 and y2. The following JSON details how a single line is represented in the lines collection.

"lines": [
      // start point
      "x1": 100, 
      "y1": 49,
      // end point
      "x2": 100,
      "y2": 49
    // ... additional lines

In order to set or update the signature add or remove lines from the lines property of the signature field.

  "Customer Signature": {
    "lines": [
        "x1": 100,
        "y1": 49,
        "x2": 100,
        "y2": 49
        "x1": 100,
        "y1": 49,
        "x2": 100,
        "y2": 49
      ….    // lines omitted for brevity
    "id": "f28d66c0-9432-4da5-aa3b-a46c0108d3c5",
    "name": "Customer Signature",
    "type": "Signature"



The id, name, and type are not necessary when setting or updating the Signature Field. These properties are returned in the JSON of the request for readability.


In addition to the lines property, the Signature Field also contains a location property which can be set to capture where (using a geographic coordinate) a signature was performed.



The location property is an optional property on the Signature Field.

The location property has three properties:

  1. latitude - The latitudinal position of a geographic coordinate.
  2. longitude - The longitudinal position of a geographic coordinate.
  3. accuracy - The accuracy of the captured geographic coordinate.



The accuracy property of a location is optional.

The following JSON snippet shows how to set the location:

 "location": {
  "latitude": 32.715410, 
  "longitude": -117.168705,
  // accuracy omitted since it's not required...