JUMP TOAPIIntroductionCommon GoFormz API integration patternsRetrieve completed Form data via APIAutomatically update DataSources using APIPre-fill Forms based on a backend system eventAuthenticationErrorsHTTP MethodsDatesPaginationFilteringSCIM APIFormzGet a FormgetCreate a FormpostDelete a FormdeleteUpdate an existing FormpatchComplete a FormpostRe-open a FormpostExport a Form to PDFpostGet Exported PDF MetadatagetAttach Images to a FormGet a List of FormzgetTemplatesGet a templategetGet a List of TemplatesgetGet a List of Formz for a TemplategetGroupsGet a GroupgetGet a List of GroupsgetUsersGet a UsergetGet a List of UsersgetFilesRetrieving a FilegetUploading a FilepostQueueGet the Status of Resource Being ProcessedgetData SourcesGet a Data SourcegetGet a List of Data SourcesgetCreate a Data SourcepostUpdate an Existing Data SourcepatchGet a Data Source RowgetCreate a Data Source RowpostUpdate an Existing Data Source RowpatchDelete a Data Source RowdeleteGet a List of Data Source RowsgetBatch Create Data Source RowspostBatch Update Data Source RowspatchBatch Delete Data Source RowsdeleteForm FieldsForm Field ReferenceText FieldSignature FieldImage FieldSketch FieldGps FieldDate FieldTime FieldDateTime FieldTable FieldDropDown FieldAutoNumber FieldNumber FieldCheckBox FieldCheckBoxGroup FieldDatabase FieldWebhooksGet a WebhookgetGet a List of WebhooksgetCreate a WebhookpostUpdate an Existing WebhookputDelete a WebhookdeletePowered by Create a Data Source Rowpost https://api.goformz.com/v2/datasources/{dataSourceId}/rowsCreates a new row in the Datasource specified by the DataSourceRow object