The DateTime Field stores both a date and time value within the property, value.

		"Signature Timestamp": {
      "displayValue": "4/13/2015 9:20 AM",
      "value": "2015-04-13T09:20:00Z",
      "id": "83fc55d4-274b-4b97-a56c-a479010b6faa",
      "name": "Signature Timestamp",
      "type": "DateTime"



The id, name, and type are not necessary when creating or updating a form, they are returned in the JSON of a request for readability.


The value property of the Date Field expects the date in the ISO 8601 format and more specifically in UTC.

The expected format takes the following form, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where:

YYYYA four-digit year, 0000 through 9999.
MMA two-digit month of the year, 01 through 12.
DDA two-digit day of that month, 01 through 31.
hhZero-padded hour between 00 and 23
mmA zero-padded minute between 00 and 59
ssA zero-padded second between 00 and 60 (where 60 is only used to denote an added leap second).

As an example, to set a DateTime Field to 1:30:25 PM on April 27th, 2015 the following format would be used:

	"value": "2015-04-27T13:30:25Z"

Display Value

The displayValue property of a DateTime Field is read-only. This means any change to this property will not be persisted after initially setting or updating a DateTime Field.

The displayValue property presents the value property as a formatted string which is defined by the template rules.